Monday, March 15, 2010

File This Under "Over Reaction" - Vermont Photographer Trespassed For Taking Pictures Outside of Mall

I really try not to get all fired up when I read stories about fellow photographers, both professional and amateur getting hassled by police, rent-o-cops, and misguided business owners, but sometimes I can's help myself!  Case in point: Photographer Banned From Mall - For Taking Pictures Outside Of Mall

The reaction of the business owner, police, and the employees speaks to the irrational levels of fear Americans live with.  Fear mongering is becoming an American pastime.  Look no further than our politicians and their main stream media lackeys.  The government sells fear as a means of control, knowing that a large segment of the population will sacrifice individual liberty for a false sense of security.  The media sells fear, because well, it sells! 

I have no issue with the mall banning someone for taking pictures on their property.  They own it and that's their right.  I don't even have an issue with the mall banning someone for taking pictures on their property even if they have taken a public subsidy.  The issue I have is that this mall banned this photographer from the mall for having taken pictures on a public sidewalk not on their property.  It would be much like me shooting pictures on the bike path and foot bridge and then having Valley River Center issue me a trespassing citation (because they hate photographers). 

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