Thursday, August 20, 2009

Off Topic - Health Care

I had just had to post this small exchange between Congressman Barny Frank and a Lyndon LaRouche supporter at a recent town hall meeting. As a small business owner health care is an issue that interests me a great deal, as does potential increases in taxes on my business to finance it.

What saddens me is that this is what passes for political discourse these days. The woman gets up and asks a meaningless question "why do you support this Nazi policy". Nazi policy? Really? You have an opportunity to ask a meaningful question, and that's all you can come up with. Here is a suggestion: why not ask what the potential tax implications are for you, or your business? Or ask: what mechanism will be used to reimburse physicians for their services? There are meaningful and significant questions that need answered, but a Nazi reference and a picture of the President with a "Hitler" mustache is the best she could offer!

I found the response interesting. Instead of having the police remove the lady and abridge her first amendment rights, he chooses to respond with a little humor. Couched in his response was the most significant point of the entire exchange, and the saddest. The political polarisation is such that a meaningful discussion of important issues nearly impossible.

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